Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Player Profile - James Walsh

Name: James Walsh
Nicknames: Rowdy, Walshy, Jimmy, Pinchy
Team Rank: 3
Favourite Food: Lasagne
Favourite Beer: XXXX Gold
Favourite Movie/TV Show: Shawshank Redemption/ How i met your mother
Karaoke: Kenny Rogers, Gambler
Tennis Idols: Andre Agassi and Rod Laver
Biggest Influence: mum
Greatest Tennis Achievment: Winning the Narrandera Mixed Doubles Championship with my mum
Pre Game Ritual: snapping one off prior to driving to tennis
What would you spend your last $20 on? cold beers
Three people you would invite to dinner? Jennifer Hawkins, Shane Warne & Andre Agassi
Superstitions: Bounce the ball twice before serving
Most annoying habit of each team mate: Stinky - placing the second ball at his feet during his first serve
J Glenn - his foul language on the court
Three things you would want on a deserted island: fishing rod, matches and sunscreen
2010 Season Goals: Go through the season undefeated without dropping a set and become division champions

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